The KAPPA RED, WHITE AND BLU-PHI COMMITTEE, according to stats from previous Battle of Sparta games, invites the players that make up the East and the West.
The EAST will consist of 12 players from The Alphas and The Ques; 6 from each team. The WEST will have 12 players from The Kappa’s and The Sigma’s.
Other teams include:
Team Phirst Pham (1 90's Alpha, 1 Ungergrad Alpha & 1 AKA)
Team Kappa (1 90's Kappa, 1 Undergrad Kappa & 1 Sweetheart)
Team Canine (1 90's Omega, 1 Undergrad Omega & 1 SGRho)
Team Blue-n-White (1 90's Sigma, 1 Undergrad Sigma & 1 Zeta)
These teams will participate in the 3-Point Shootout and the Shooting Stars Competition!
Other teams include:
Team Phirst Pham (1 90's Alpha, 1 Ungergrad Alpha & 1 AKA)
Team Kappa (1 90's Kappa, 1 Undergrad Kappa & 1 Sweetheart)
Team Canine (1 90's Omega, 1 Undergrad Omega & 1 SGRho)
Team Blue-n-White (1 90's Sigma, 1 Undergrad Sigma & 1 Zeta)
These teams will participate in the 3-Point Shootout and the Shooting Stars Competition!